When First AID and All

Other Methods Fail In

A Choking Emergency


Saves Lives

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Why Choose Lifevac

To Protect The People You Care

For In A Choking Emergency?

Lifevac Is Simple, Effective, Non-Invasive And Most Importantly Safe To Use.

LifeVac are the leaders in airway clearance device technology, being the only ACD with peer reviewed medical publications, independent medical testing and medical abstracts proving safety, effectiveness, usability and lives saved.

What Is Lifevac?

LifeVac is a self-powered, single patient portable suction device developed for clearing the upper airway, intended to be used in an emergency when standard current choking protocol has been followed without success.

1Interchangeable sized masks to fit a casualties facial features, as one size does not fit all. 3Translucent bellows, makes it easy to identify if the obstruction enters this area.
2One-way valve prevents any air being expelled through interchangeable sized masks. 4Easy to hold handle for secure grip.
Lifevacza Hotspot Image
The Negative Pressure Generated By The Force Of The Suction Is 3 Times Greater Than The Highest recorded First-Aid Measure.

LifeVac generates over 300 mmHg of suction. The duration of suction is minimal so LifeVac is safe and effective. No prescription is required. LifeVac requires no maintenance.

How It Works

LifeVac is designed with a patented one way valve system, this means when applied no air can be forced through the interchangeable sized mask’s when depressed.

Lifevac Pull
Lifevac Push

Available Options

LifeVac comes in three different variations, Standard Kit, Wall mounted Kit and LifeVac EMS Kit. Different Mask Sizes are available to purchase separately as well.

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Standard Lifevac Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Wall Mounted kit
Wall Mounted Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Ems Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult and Extra Large Adult Masks

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