LifeVac saves boy who chokes on piece of plastic

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LifeVac Europe is very pleased to share news that we helped save another life

This precious two-year-old boy choked on a piece of plastic from the inside of a package causing a partial blockage of his airway.

Back blows were performed but failed and the child’s face was pale and lips blue. The child was laid down on the floor, LifeVac was applied and on the 2nd place, push, pull motion the plastic obstruction was removed into the unit.

“He’s okay, he’s acting like nothing happened. My son is happily playing with his play-doh thanks to life vac. Very frightening. Just wanted to let you guys know how grateful I am for your product. ❤️ we got the LifeVac when he was 6 months old”

How it works

Buy Online

LifeVac comes in three different variations, Standard Kit, Wall mounted Kit and LifeVac EMS Kit. Different Mask Sizes are available to purchase separately as well.

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Standard Lifevac Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Wall Mounted kit
Wall Mounted Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Ems Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult and Extra Large Adult Masks

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