Adult Social Care

Its Isn’t Just The Elderly Community And Children That Are At Risk Of Choking

Adults with often a complex need such as epilepsy, autism or with a learning disability can leave them prone to choking.

A trauma, accident or an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) can leave an adult facing difficulty with chewing, drinking and swallowing which increases their risk of a Foreign Body Airway Obstruction or FBAO

Pica, Cramming food/objects, Dysphagia and limited insight are all factors that will add up to an increased risk of choking.

Pica is a psychological disorder characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive. The substance may be biological such as hair (trichophagia) or feces (coprophagia), natural such as ice (pagophagia) or dirt (geophagia), and otherwise chemical or man-made.

Lifevacza Model Image
Lifevac Unique Challenges

Managing These Unique Challenges

We must focus on choking prevention as this is just as important as knowing how to deal with a choking emergency, and is something that we promote within all of our provided training.

How to respond to a choking emergency is extremely important but sadly, this is something often overlooked until it is too late.

Delivering choking First Aid on a wheelchair user, or a person lying down is a challenging topic – particularly as there are no black and white universal guidelines on how to deal with such an emergency.

Refusal or resistance can lead to a delay in receiving time critical treatment. A person with a learning or cognitive impairment may not recognise attempts to help.

How it works

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LifeVac comes in three different variations, Standard Kit, Wall mounted Kit and LifeVac EMS Kit. Different Mask Sizes are available to purchase separately as well.

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Standard Lifevac Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Wall Mounted kit
Wall Mounted Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult Masks

Lifevacza Standard Lifevac kit
Ems Kit Includes:

Toddler, Small Adult/Child, Medium Adult, Large Adult and Extra Large Adult Masks