A 14-month-old baby girl, choked on a full grape causing a total obstruction. Her mother who is trained in choking rescue protocol performed back blows but was unsuccessful.
Her is the mom’s terrifying testimonial:
“I couldn’t tell what she was choking on. She had been playing on the floor and I noticed she wasn’t making noise. When I went to pick her up, I saw her face was turning red. I knew she was choking so I started to feel inside her mouth, but I couldn’t see anything. I then began to turn her over on my knee while holding her face in my hand and tried to give back blows. Nothing was working and she started to turn a different color. I screamed for my husband to call 911 but before we even had a chance to call, I grabbed the LifeVac from under my sink. I placed her flat on the floor and immediately took the LifeVac out. I put the mask over her nose and mouth and pushed down and when I pulled up, a whole grape came right out.
Her older sibling must have dropped it on the floor, and I didn’t see. Had I not had the LifeVac, I am convinced I wouldn’t have been able to get this out by myself. I’m beyond grateful for this product!!!”